Click on Portal Below to Login. Please read descriptions of each Portal carefully. We are in the process of transitioning our Electronic Medical Records system.
New Patient Portal
A single portal for all patient visits to our Hospital or Practices, 11/14/2022 or later.
Our new EHS Healthelife Cerner patient portal is an important part of our Digital Transformation and will allow us to provide the best possible patient experience online. It provides one single place to access all of your healthcare information from Effingham Health System. We will continue to grow the ways in which this system supports your healthcare journey.
Your new patient account will become active on your first visit to the hospital or any of our practices, on or after November 14th, 2022.

Legacy Hospital Patient Portal
Records for visits prior to 11/14/2022.
Legacy records for Effingham Hospital patient visits that occurred before November 14th, 2022. Please note: Patients will continue to have access to this information through Nov. 14th, 2023.
Legacy Physician Practices Portal
For Effingham Family Medicine, Effingham Pediatrics, and Effingham Women’s Health patients.